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Volume 2017, Issue 1 Newsletter

Volume 2017, Issue 1 Newsletter

In This Issue:

Circuit Board Heart
We Love Design Challenges

We love hard problems, good design, good coffee, and cool hardware gadgets. We love to design!

Sometimes the hardest design problems are the most interesting.

Here’s how we approach the hard design challenges

Be A Leader Not a Boss
Engineering Manager: Are You a Boss or a Leader?

Learning to be a leader to your team, instead of being a boss, can be a challenge. Learn the things you can do that will make you a better leader and give better results from your team.

Learn more about being a leader

Walt Maclay Speaking at HardwareCon 2017

Walt Maclay will be speaking at HardwareCon. A two-day conference exclusively for hardware startup entrepreneurs. Walt will be sharing ultra low-power design techniques.

Signup for this March 24 & 25 event

Upcoming Events

  • March 24 & 25, 2017 HardwareCon 2017

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About Our Organization…

Voler Systems offer expert engineering services for new product design, medical device design, instrumentation design, and data acquisition systems.

We are experts in sensors, wireless, and motion control.

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