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Volume 2018, Issue 2 Newsletter

Volume 2018, Issue 2 Newsletter

In This Issue:

Disruptive Startups

Lets talk about disruptive startups in 2018. Entrepreneurs create more than six million new businesses in the United States. Every year, a small percentage of them are successful and put existing business out of business.

So who are those companies that are disrupting old industries and creating new ones?

Here is some disruptive startups that we have worked with



Getting Started

Where to Start When Developing Medical Devices

Two good articles to consult as you start to build your new medical device. One on medical device requirements and one on getting started with software and testing for medical devices.

Check them out!



Electronic Design Logo
Electronic Design: These Presentations Turned Heads at MDTX Day 2 by Chris DeMartino

We were excited to at MDTX 2018 and thrilled to be listing in Chris DeMartinos These Presentations Turned Heads at MDTX Day 2 article about the conference.

Here is what Chris DeMartino, Technical Editor at Electronic Design, had to say about Walt Maclays talk.

Walt Maclay of Voler Systems focused in on Building a Better Wearable Device and Getting it Cleared through FDA in his presentation. One common scenario today involves connecting a wearable device to a smartphone via Bluetooth technology. However, Maclay mentioned that in the future, we can expect to see wearable devices that connect directly to the internet. Maclay also put a spotlight on the key issue of battery life.

If you missed his talk, Building a Better Wearable Device and Getting it Cleared through FDA, the video will be coming soon.

Watch the video



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April 26, Hardware Happy Hour
  • Thursday April 26 2018

About Our Organization

Voler Systems offers expert engineering services for new product design, medical device design, instrumentation design, and data acquisition systems.

We are experts in sensors, wireless, motion control, and power management.

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