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May 23 2023 | Voler Systems Newsletter

May 23 2023 | Voler Systems Newsletter

Let's Chat About Your Next Medical, Wearable or IoT Device Project

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A New Voler Systems Case Study


Liquid Biopsy Lung Cancer Detection-2


Revolutionizing Early Lung Cancer Detection with Advanced Liquid Biopsy Device Development

Customer Introduction

This China-based company's liquid biopsy platform project included a medical instrument for a simple and non-invasive method to diagnose lung cancer in the early stages. It eliminates the need for a lung biopsy and is said to be just as accurate.


  • The company did not have the engineering expertise to design the complex medical instrument used for non-invasive liquid biopsies and the required accurate measurement of very low currents in a blood sample.

The device needed to accurately measure an extensive current range from 10 picoamps to 50 microamps with low leakage currents.

  • Noise from external sources was a significant challenge.

Proper shielding was essential. Extreme care is needed to shield the incoming signals from external noise at such low current levels.

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Prototyping 101 Four Prototypes Youll Need to Develop a New Product   - Blog Image

Creating a brand-new product from the ground up isn't as simple as some might assume. From a consumer standpoint, all that's seen is the finished product's sleek and refined detail. But to get to that point, developers usually go through several prototypes and sometimes much more.

Sir James Dyson famously went through over 5,000 prototypes before launching the world's first bagless vacuum! But complexity and purpose are almost irrelevant; all new products need prototyping.

Since prototypes usually cost more than mass-produced parts, it's wise to familiarize yourself with the types you'll need and when. Here's a quick breakdown of the four most common types of prototypes you'll need when developing a new product.

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Watch the Recording of the "Subcontracting Do's and Don'ts" Webinar Featuring Walt Maclay


PATCA Webinar

Whether you are looking for a new consulting assignment by subcontracting to a larger firm or looking to use subcontractors to expand your business, our panel with outline some important tips and considerations that will help grow your business.


  • How to identify subcontracting opportunities and build relationships that lead to them
  • Best practices for building a strong working relationship
  • Red flags and how to handle situations that might arise


  • Walt Maclay, President of Voler Systems
  • Anu Jekal, Data Surge LLC
  • Moderator: Sean Murphy, CEO at SKMurphy

Watch the Replay



Shout-out from Fred Grier, San Diego Tech Journalist

WCA Leaders in Tech

"Earlier this week Wireless Communications Alliance and Prakash Sangam hosted a small gathering for Leaders in Tech at San Diego's Karl Strauss Brewing Company.

"Attendees had nearly 20+ years of working in the #semiconductor and #telecommunications industry at legacy companies including Qualcomm, MediaTek, Lenovo among others.

"Thank you Voler Systems for sponsoring the event and including me."

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Voler has helped many premier clients turn product ideas into reality. Whether you’re looking for Wearable Technology, Circuit Design, Electronic Design, Wireless, Sensors, Software and Firmware, Motion Control, or FPGA Development, Voler can help you identify risks while keeping the projects on time, on budget, and easy to manufacture.

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