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Turning Ideas into Sound with Innovative Audio Notetaker


Company: TapperTalk

Industry: Consumer products

Use Case: Audio Notetaker

Services Used: Analog and Digital Electronics, Firmware


  • Developed cutting-edge digital notetaker
  • Prepared company for further funding with demonstrable prototypes
  • Integrated microphone, speaker, and optimal audio processing

Customer Introduction

TapperTalk, a Silicon Valley startup, identified a common need – replace the clutter of refrigerator notes with an intuitive, electronic solution. They wanted an audio notetaker allowing users to record and play back short messages. TapperTalk was in search of expertise in both analog and digital electronic design – a combination hard to come by.


  • Limited analog and digital electronic design expertise within the consumer products industry.

    Partner with an electronic design company that excels in both analog and digital design to ensure seamless integration of both technologies in the final product.
  • Designing a digital audio storage device that integrates a microphone input and speaker output while ensuring optimal audio quality.

Identify and implement a holistic design approach that efficiently combines microphone, speaker, and storage components without compromising device performance or audio clarity.

  • Incorporating advanced electronic functionalities into the device, such as speech compression and storage, as well as decompression for playback.

Develop and integrate a robust firmware solution that allows for efficient speech compression and decompression without compromising the quality or speed of the playback.


TapperTalk chose to work with Voler Systems because of its analog and digital electronic design expertise. Voler Systems engineers provided the following solutions:

  • Identified an off-the-shelf integrated circuit (IC) that addressed most of the device’s functional requirements.
  • Designed the device and built two fully functional prototypes.
  • Developed custom firmware to operate the device.

Results & Benefits

  • Selection of an optimal and affordable off-the-shelf IC accelerated the development timeline, enabling TapperTalk to move swiftly from concept to prototype.
  • Creation of two functional prototypes allowed TapperTalk to demonstrate their innovative product to potential investors, unlocking avenues for further funding and support.
  • Development of custom firmware ensured consistent and high-quality audio performance, enhancing the end-user experience and bolstering the product’s market appeal.
Audio Notetaker and Circuit Board


Bringing TapperTalk’s vision of the audio notetaker to life was a testament to the power of innovation. Their vision of simplifying everyday communication inspired us to push boundaries, blending technology and creativity. Together, we transformed a household challenge into a state-of-the-art solution.

“Voler Systems didn’t just hear our idea; they amplified it. Their expertise turned our vision of an audio notetaker into a tangible reality, proving that the right partner can truly elevate a product to its fullest potential.”

Are you ready to innovate? Contact Voler Systems to see how the right collaboration can bring groundbreaking ideas to life.

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