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Cars Use HD Mapping Hardware to Map Your World

Increasingly cars are becoming digital platforms, not only for the people inside the car but also for mapping the world around us. Vehicles are being outfitted with a wide range of sensors, including cameras (Daylight and IR), Time of Flight (depth) cameras, GNSS with RTK, LIDAR, and inertial measurement units to collect data that is useful for developing software and algorithms for an autonomous vehicle. High Definition (HD) Maps bring functions such as high-precision localization, environment perception, planning and decision-making, and real-time navigation cloud services to autonomous vehicles. Voler helped develop specialized units for these field data collection services that are a vital component of autonomous vehicle development.

Civil Maps provides a scalable, edge-based HD mapping and localization platform that helps automotive OEMs, map providers, and mobility companies accelerate their autonomous driving programs. The startup is redefining traditional map creation workflows and enabling continental-scale base map crowd-sourcing.

Here are some interesting HD mapping services

Tom Tom
Fingerprint Base Map



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