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Feature article on prototypes in Embedded Computing Design June 2018


Don’t miss our recent article on prototypes “Testing your key assumptions” in Embedded Computing Design.

Prototypes are an important part of the hardware development process. At the simplest level, a prototype is an initial or preliminary model of the product. You build a prototype to test key assumptions that you have about the product. Prototypes can be used to test feasibility risks and to test desirability. You can put a prototype in a customer’s hands to answer questions that you might have about how well the product satisfies your market requirements.

  • Rapid prototyping saves time and costs
  • Not all prototypes are the same
  • Tips for prototype development

Recent Prototype Projects

Many of our projects include developing prototypes and feasibility studies. Here are a few of our favorites:

Image source: Embedded Computing Design & Voler



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