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Volume 2011, Issue1 Newsletter

Volume 2011, Issue1 Newsletter

In This Issue:

How to Fix the Gaps in Your Medical Device Development

If you are currently engaged in the development of technology based medical products, and are interested in learning from industry experts how you can improve your design practices, and learn more about how to identify and fix the gaps in your process, then this session is for you.

Speakers: Mark Brinkerhoff, President, Fusion Design
Walt Maclay, President, Voler Systems
Rajan Patel, Serial Entrepreneur

PRG Lunch & Learn Seminar on Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:30am to 1:30pm Register & More Information

PRG Case Study: AlterG M300 New Product Introduction

The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill is the first FDA-cleared medical device of its kind and is used by major medical centers, leading physical therapy clinics and professionals, colleges and individuals. AlterG engaged with the Product Realization Group, Inc. (PRG) to provide a 360 degree review of their product and processes to ensure that they could effectively and reliably scale to volume. Read more

Walt Maclay Honored as Voler Systems becomes a Renesas Partner

Sunnyvale, CA – 12/21/10 – Voler Systems (, a leading Silicon Valley-based contract electronic design services company specializing in electronic products and test systems involving sensors and measurement electronics, today announced that Voler Systems has been honored as a Renesas partner. Read more

Walt Maclay Honored as Voler Systems becomes a Renesas Partner

Congratulations To Our BIOMEDevice Winner

We’re pleased to announce that Henry Pastorelli of OptiMedica has won our BIOMEDevice 2010 drawing. Enjoy and congratulations, Henry! A special thanks to everyone else that stopped by our booth and entered this drawing.

Recap BIOMEDevice 2010

We really enjoyed attending the BIOMEDevice Expo in November along with our partners, Product Realization Group, Ops A La Carte and Fusion Design. BIOMEDevice Expo is a conference that has a strong tradition of knowledgeable suppliers with innovative solutions attending it. It is where companies are able to collaborate with ideas and updates within the biotechnology, medical device, and pharmaceutical industries.

In case you missed our “Outsourcing product development to a multi-discipline team of specialists: A success story” presentation, you can download the slides at Please let us know if you are interested in a personal briefing on it.

Mentoring Students Chosen for the HCI Best Business Idea Award

Mentoring Students Chosen for the HCI Best Business Idea Award

Walt Maclay recently shared his experience and insights to a small group of young entrepreneurs from Singapore who won a new product idea contest.

Mentoring Students Chosen for the HCI Best Business Idea Award

Part of the Hwachong Entrepreneurship Society (HCI) Best Business Idea award was a Silicon Valley trip where they had the opportunity to meet with mentors from Google, Apple, Voler Systems and as well as others. Two teachers from the Hwachong Entrepreneurship Society escorted them on this trip to Silicon Valley.




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