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Volume 2020 Issue 5 Newsletter

Volume 2020 Issue 5 Newsletter



Voler Systems President Walt Maclay will hold a webinar entitled “Security-By-Design – Getting Started and Getting It Right” on June 11, 2020, 10 AM Pacific.

More details in the Upcoming Events section below

calendarsVoler Product Feature

Challenging designs completed on-time and on-budget

Heart pump electronics and software
Client Challenge
  • Deliver ultra-reliable firmware and hardware modifications needed for FDA submission
  • Wrote all software; revised hardware
  • Wrote verification protocol
  • Executed verification
  • Created doc package
  • In 510(k) FDA had no questions on submission
  • Class III device

Voler wrote all the firmware and software for a heart pump. It includes screens like this, showing how to set up the system. It also includes about 100 error messages.

There are three levels of control for safety. The user interface software in the picture can fail, and the control firmware will continue to operate the pump. If the firmware were to fail, a CPLD will keep the pump running at the last set speed.

Voler did the verification testing of the software. When this class III device was submitted to the FDA they had no questions about the software. This level of success is very unusual, although we repeated it when a second version went through verification and resubmission. Again the FDA had no questions about the software.

calendarsTop Articles

Microstepping for High-Performance Motion Control

By Maurizio di Paolo Emilio, EE Times Europe

Stepper motors are brushless synchronous electric motors powered by direct current that rotate in steps, keeping the rotor stationary under a specific power supply. Pulse–width–modulated (PWM) pulses, sent in a well-defined sequence via electronic drivers, turn the stepping motor in one direction.

Stepper motors exhibit a special feature: the ability to rotate the rotor shaft by a few degrees very precisely and without the need for sensors to detect the shaft’s angular position. In short, a complete revolution of the motor can be divided into a certain number of steps. The stepper motor’s width determines the number of steps.

Waking and Interacting with an IoT Device in eDRX Mode On Demand

By Kenta Yasukawa, Soracom

For IoT developers deploying and managing remote systems, power management remains one of the most pressing practical challenges. Successful power management can mean the difference between a successful release and a failed experiment, especially for devices running on battery power.


Every approach requires trade-offs between longevity and responsiveness. The longer a device is powered on, and the more frequently it activates an antenna, the more battery it drains. To save power, devices need to stay in sleep mode as long as possible and wake up as rarely as possible.

calendarsUpcoming Events


May 28, 2020, 1:30 PM Pacific

Meet-up: IoT Needs Secure Messaging

Security & Privacy should be primary concerns in the design of how data flows within IoT. However, current IoT communication protocols are lacking. This talk explores how secure messaging, decoupled from the transport layer, can lead to significant wins in security, privacy & even interoperability.

Learn more by clicking here.


Thursday, June 11, 2020, 10 AM Pacific

Webinar: Security-By-Design – Getting Started and Getting It Right

Voler Systems President and founder, Walt Maclay, will be hosting a webinar that will explore security-by-design and how to get it right from the get-go on Thursday, May 14, 2020, 10 AM Pacific. Join this webinar and discover how the ideal security design can be realized for your devices and applications.

Learn more by clicking here.

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