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Enhancing Alcohol Monitoring Device for Improved Functionality and User Experience


Company: SoberLink

Industry: Medical Devices

Use Case: Alcohol Use Disorder Monitoring

Services Used: Electronic Design, Firmware, Hardware Diagnostics, Verification


  • Achieved successful integration of new components for enhanced reliability
  • Optimized firmware for consistent and dependable operation
  • Freed up internal resources for client

Customer Introduction

SoberLink produces a mobile breathalyzer paired with a web portal, primarily serving three markets: treatment, workplace monitoring, and family law. SoberLink provides crucial monitoring and support for individuals maintaining accountability post-rehab, professionals needing to prove sobriety for their jobs, and parents involved in custody disputes due to alcohol issues.



  • Lack of specific technical expertise and internal bandwidth

    Engage with electronic design experts to seamlessly integrate new hardware components into the device and provide specialized firmware development to support advanced features and consistent, reliable operation.
  • Enhanced device functionality

    Provide guidance in selecting and integrating an OLED touch interface to improve user interaction and device usability.


SoberLink partnered with Voler Systems to leverage its extensive experience designing and developing wearable medical devices. Voler Systems provides the necessary technical support to enhance SoberLink's existing device, ensuring it meets high standards of functionality and user experience.

  • Provided advanced hardware design solutions to integrate components and ensure continuous operation.
  • Developed robust firmware to support and optimize new features and enhance the device's reliability and performance.
  • Delivered OLED touch interface architecture and provided recommendations on LCD display to improve user interaction and overall device functionality.

Results & Benefits

  • Achieved seamless integration of new components that resulted in a more advanced and reliable device.
  • Enhanced device performance and user experience through robust firmware development to ensure consistent and dependable operation.
  • Managed the electronic design enhancements, allowing SoberLink to allocate internal resources more efficiently and concentrate on core competencies.


Voler Systems' technical expertise, comprehensive understanding of regulatory requirements, and commitment to high-quality standards enabled the successful enhancement of SoberLink's device. This partnership demonstrates Voler Systems' ability to deliver innovative and effective solutions that significantly improve user experience and device functionality.

“Partnering with Voler Systems has been instrumental in elevating our device's functionality and user experience. Their expertise in hardware design, firmware development, and medical device requirements has helped us ensure our device meets the highest standards of reliability and user satisfaction."

Contact Voler Systems today to discover how our expertise in hardware design, firmware development, and user interface integration can transform your innovative ideas into high-quality, market-ready medical devices.

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