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Video and Data on a Web Site


Voler created a web site that displays live video and data for a company to show off its product on-line. The company sells street lamps that are powered by wind and solar for locations that cannot connect to the power grid. The web site shows the lamp and the area it lights, while also displaying the parameters that determine its performance:

video and data


video and data


Light level in the lighted area, temperature, and battery capacity. To see how well the battery is charging, the display also includes solar light level, wind speed, charging power from the wind turbine, and charging power from the solar cells. From this a prospective customer can view the performance of a light in actual use. There will be several lamps in several locations around the world.

Voler integrated a web camera with a datalogger (pictured on the right). The datalogger measures all the parameters from various sensors and sends them to a server PC, while the web camera streams video. Voler designed and wrote the software that acquires the data and video, stores it, and displays it on the web site (pictured on the right below). The data is delayed 24 hours so there is time to fix any problem before it is viewed on the web. The data is stored for at least a year, and a person viewing the web site can view graphs of the data for a day, month, or year as well as viewing the image.

The same PC that acquires the streams of data also serves as the web host, so it has the power and a fast Ethernet connection to handle many people viewing the web site while the data is also being acquired. In order to make the web site work with even slow dial-up connections, the update rate of the video was reduced to 5 seconds.



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